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because bases react with the oils on your skin to form a crude soap, in a process called saponification.

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4mo ago

Bases are slippery due to the formation of hydroxide ions (OH-) in the presence of water. These hydroxide ions interact with proteins and oils on the skin, creating a slippery sensation. The alkaline nature of bases also contributes to their ability to disrupt the skin's natural oils, making them feel slippery.

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What do bases feel like?

Bases typically feel slippery or soapy to the touch. This is because they can react with oils and fats on your skin to form soap, which has a slippery texture. Additionally, bases often feel cool when applied to the skin.

Bases feel like what?


Do bases feel slippery?

Yes, bases can feel slippery because they can react with oils and fats on the skin to form soap, which has a slippery texture. This sensation is often associated with bases that are more alkaline in nature.

Is slippery an acid or an base?

slippery is a base

is slippery a property of bases?

Slippery is a common property of bases. When bases dissolve in water, they produce hydroxide ions that can create a slippery or soapy feeling when touched.

What makes bases slippery?

Bases are slippery because they react with oils and fats on the skin to form soaps, which have a slippery texture. This reaction decreases the friction between the surface and one's skin, causing the feeling of slipperiness.

Is slippery feeling a base or an acid?

Slippery feeling typically indicates the presence of a base. Bases have properties such as feeling slippery to the touch, tasting bitter, and turning litmus paper blue. This is because bases produce hydroxide ions in solution.

Do bases feel slippery and neutralize acids?


Characteristics of bases?

taste bitter feels slippery

What does most bases have in them?

They feel slippery and taste bitter

What is a description of the physical qualities of bases?

Bases usually feel slippery and taste bitter.

What are 4 properties of bases?

Bases have a pH greater than 7. Bases taste bitter. Bases feel slippery to the touch. Bases react with acids to form salts and water.