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A herbivore is an animal that only eats plants and vegetation, and not all bats do that.

Many eat almost only insects.

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Q: Why are bats herbivores?
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Most bats are herbivores and are only interested in eating plants and fruit. Bats will not attack humans unless they are feeling threatened.

Are bats herbivores?

Some types of bats are herbivores and some types are carnivores that eat insects. Many types are omnivores that eat fruit or insects.From an earlier Wiki Answer: Bats are mainly Insectavorous. There are bats that are Omnivorous, and few that are Carnivorous. There are megabats (aka fruit bats) which are frugivorous - they feed on fruits and flower nectar. So basically, there are herbivore bats.From an earlier Wiki Answer: Bats are mainly Insectavorous. There are bats that are Omnivorous, and few that are Carnivorous. There are megabats (aka fruit bats) which are frugivorous - they feed on fruits and flower nectar. So basically, there are herbivore bats.

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