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Bee Stings are generally acidic in nature... Ammonium Hydroxide being basic neutralize the effect of the bee sting, thus preventing from it's ill effects.

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Harshil Pindi

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To neutralise the acidic bee stings.

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and to get the stinger out if there is one, which is hard to tell unless you do, and to make the swelling go down.

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Q: Why are bee stings treated with ammonium hydroxide?
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Bicarbonate of soda has a pH about 9 why is this good thing to treat a bee sting with?

The soda which is alkaline neutralizes the bee sting which is acidic. For wasp stings use vinegar. Vinegar is acidic and neutralizes the alkaline wasp sting.

Why it is not good to use sodium hydroxide to neutralise the acid in a bee sting?

Maybe it is, or maybe it isn't. It depends on a lot, such as the age of the Alkaline, or your blood type, or how your skin reacts to Acids and Alkalies. It also depends on the acid your NAOH (Sodium Hydroxide), is neutralizing with, in this case, a bee sting, HCO2H, (Methanoic acid, or Formic acid). The Bee`s acid has a pH(acidity) of 2.3. The Sodium Hydroxide has a pH(Alkalinity) of 14. Therefore the Sodium Hydroxide is stronger than the Methonoic Acid, and may result not only neutralizing an acid, but leaving behind severe burns and toxins in the skin.

Dirty bee sting?

A dirty bee sting can become infected. A sting is easily treated at home without medical attention unless the individual has an allergy. Keeping the sting cleaned properly will prevent any complications.

What acids is present in toothpaste that minimise the pain caused by the bee sting?

i believe that the pain caused by a bee sting is caused by a strong acid which is injected by the sting itself. The substance in the toothpaste which causes the pain to be minimised is not actually an acid, but a base. This substance is most likely sodium bicarbonate, which will neutalise the acid. Conversely wasp stings are caused by a strong alkalai substance and can be neutralised with a strong acid (such as vinegar)

Why treat bee stings with b-carbonate soda?

Bee stings are acidic. Bicarbonate of soda is alkaline and so neutralises it. ==================== There is a great deal of misinformation concerning this issue, and so the statement above is essentially nonsense. There are all kinds of old wives' tales concerning treatments for various kinds of bites or stings. These are generally without merit. Bee stings contain a soup of chemicals including neurotoxins, proteins and enzymes which cause pain, itching, and swelling. The fact that the liquid may be acidic has little to do with the body's response and adding baking soda, a base will do very little, if anything. Consider this: The stinger injects the fluid subcutaneously. Adding baking soda to the surface of the skin won't do anything for the chemicals below the skin. Therefore, there is no reaction between NaHCO3 and any acids as the question is implying. So why does your skin feel better when a poultice of NaHCO3 in water is placed on top of the skin? The water evaporates and cools the site where there is inflammation, and helps reduce swelling. Anything which cools the skin will make it feel better. To really counteract the effect of the proteins and enzymes in the skin after being stung, an antihistamine must be administered.

Related questions

Bee stings are often treated with ammonium hydroxide why?

Bee stings are acidic so it should be treated with an alkali such as ammonium hydroxide or calamine that can neutralize the acid.

Do bee stings leave scars?

Bee stings do not usually leave scars.

When a bee stings you does it get very itchy?

Yes, bee stings often swell and then itch.

Do mosquito's kill more people than bee stings?

Yes. The diseases that mosquitoes carry are far more deadly than a bee sting, which can be treated with antihistamines.

How can wasp and bee stings be treated using everyday substances?

when ants and nettles (works also on bees) bite or sting you they release formic acid under your skin .This hurts your---------- body doesn't like to be injected with acid. bee stings are also acidic these can be treated by calamine lotion or bicarbonate soda solution which both cancel out the acid.Wasp stings are alkaline. you can treat it by putting vinegar on it.

How does copper remove bee stings?

it is a special chemical inside the copper that removes bee stings

What happens if a bee stings?

The bee dies

What is special about a bee?

A Bee stings and taste its nectar

How should bee and wasp stings be treated?

Most stings can be treated at home. A stinger that is stuck in the skin can be scraped off with a blade, fingernail, credit card, or piece of paper (using tweezers may push more venom out of the venom sac and into the wound).

Can you give 3 examples of neutralisation in the home?

if you put vinegar on wasp stings it will help because wasp stings have alkali in it and vinegar is a weak acid but bee stings are different they are acidic so if you put toothpaste on it it will help (try not to get bee stings mixed up with wasp stings because it will hurt even more if you put toothpaste on wasp stings or vinegar on bee stings)

Can horses get bee stings?


What happens to the bee after it stings you?

It dies.