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because they like the light and it helps hatch the eggs.

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12y ago

most brine shrimp like light because the food is available in high levels of light

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it does

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Q: Does the colour of light affect brine shrimp?
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Do brine shrimps like light?

Yes and no because when Brine Shrimp hatch they can hatch in the light or dark, so i guess that Brine Shrimp like either both.

Do brine Shrimp like light or darkness?


How do brine shrimps respond to light?

Brine shrimp like light, most of their food is available in high levels of light. On the other hand, Artemia brine shrimp are preyed upon by a host of larger animal species, and they might be more susceptible to predation in high light levels.

How does wavelength affect visible light?

It alters the energy and colour of the light.

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They allow different frequencies of light to pass through.

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the brine clutch head will fit on any brine lacrosse shafts. I have the Clutch on my brine swizzebeat. i recommended this shaft its is light gripy and cheap. it is only 80 dollars

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A freshwater shrimp weighs about 2 ounces

Why does the sea change colour from dark blue to light?

becuse when you look at it turns black and affect the marine life

Do brine shrimps prefer light or dark?

shrimps prefer light in order to adapt their body to a get the right body temperature.However it depends on what the environment shrimp lives in.If in cold it prefers light to keep warm,if warm it prefers cool to adjust the body temperature

What kind of light do brine shrimps like?

They like bright light. Their food is found on a level that has a lot of light

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The colour it's painted will affect what frequency of light the box absorbs, painting it purple would mean it reflects the purple light and therefore will have to subside the protons delivered by the light.

What is dong ting shrimp?

Jumbo shrimp lightly battered,sauteed with assorted vegetables in a light cream sauce.