


A shrimp is a decapod crustacean under the infraorder Caridea, characterized by an elongated or compressed body with long legs, well-developed abdomen and antennae, and a long spine-like projection of the carapace. Shrimps live in both salt and fresh water.

1,084 Questions

What happens when you eat a live shrimp?

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If you eat a live shrimp, it will likely be killed during the digestion process in your stomach due to the acidic environment. However, consuming live seafood is not recommended for health and ethical reasons. It's safest to cook shrimp before eating them to avoid potential risks of food poisoning.

What Does Brine Shrimp Look Like?

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Brine shrimp are small crustaceans that have a transparent body with segments, long antennae, and a pair of black eyes. They are typically less than 1 cm in size and have a curved tail that helps them swim in water. When they are still, they may appear as tiny, floating particles in water.

Do shrimp have a heart?

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Yes, shrimp have a simple tubular heart that pumps blood through their open circulatory system. This heart is located in the upper part of their body, just beneath the carapace.

Is plankton a small shrimp?

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No, plankton is not a small shrimp. Plankton refers to a diverse group of organisms that drift in the water, ranging from microscopic algae and protozoa to small animals like copepods and krill. Shrimp are larger crustaceans that are not classified as plankton.

Why do shrimps have so many chromosomes?

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Shrimps have many chromosomes (typically over 90 pairs) because their genomes have undergone several rounds of duplication and evolution throughout their evolutionary history. This high chromosome number is not necessarily a reflection of their complexity, but rather a result of their genetic adaptation and diversification.

Is the pistol shrimp the loudest animal?

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Yes, the pistol shrimp is one of the loudest animals in the ocean. It generates a loud snapping sound by closing its specialized claw at high speed, creating a cavitation bubble that reaches temperatures comparable to the sun's surface. This sound is used for communication, hunting, and defense.

How many ounces is in two shrimp?

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The size of shrimp can vary, but generally, two medium-sized shrimp would weigh between 1 to 2 ounces.

Are Pacific cleaner shrimp carnivores?

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Yes, Pacific cleaner shrimp are carnivores. They primarily feed on parasites, dead tissue, and other small organisms found on larger marine animals that they clean.

Is freshwater shrimp a producer of consumer?

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Freshwater shrimp are consumers because they feed on organic matter like algae, small insects, and plant debris. They do not produce their own food through photosynthesis like producers (plants) do.

Why can't brine shrimp live in fresh water?

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Brine shrimp are adapted to living in highly saline environments, so they require salt in their water to maintain proper bodily functions. Without the salt, their cells would not be able to regulate water balance correctly, leading to dehydration and eventual death.

Can brine shrimp survive in a biosphere?

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Yes, brine shrimp can survive in a biosphere as they are resilient and adaptable creatures. As long as the biosphere provides the necessary conditions such as appropriate temperature, salinity, and food source, brine shrimp can thrive and reproduce within the controlled environment of a biosphere.

Are shrimp carnivores or omnivores?

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Shrimp are typically omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. They consume a variety of food sources including algae, plankton, and small aquatic animals.

What do river shrimp eat?

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River shrimp are opportunistic feeders, consuming a variety of plant matter, detritus, algae, small invertebrates, and organic debris present in their habitat. They are also known to scavenge on dead animals and decaying organic matter.

Where do candy striped shrimp live?

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Candy striped shrimp, also known as banded coral shrimp, are found in coral reefs and rocky crevices in the Indo-Pacific region, including the Red Sea, Hawaii, and Australia. They are commonly found in shallow waters with plenty of hiding spots and places to perch.

Where is a shrimp's brain located?

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A shrimp's brain is located in its head, right behind its eyes. It is very small and simple, allowing the shrimp to perform basic functions like sensing and responding to its environment.

What is the scientific name for a freshwater shrimp?

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The prawn, a relative of the shrimp, is of the sub-order Dendrobrachiata. There are many different families of prawns and the best place to look them up is at

Can you eat sand shrimp?

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Yes, sand shrimps are safe to eat and are sometimes consumed as food. They are rich in protein and can be cooked in various ways such as boiling, grilling, or frying. However, be cautious of where you source them from to ensure they are fresh and safe for consumption.

What color are salt water shrimp?

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Saltwater shrimp can have a variety of colors depending on the species, ranging from translucent to colorful hues like red, green, blue, or even striped patterns. Their coloration often helps them blend in with their environment or serve as a form of camouflage against predators.

How Many Chromosomes In A Shrimp Egg Cell?

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A shrimp egg cell typically contains 92 chromosomes. This number comes from the fact that shrimp, like most crustaceans, are known to have a higher chromosome count compared to many other organisms.

Is krill a type of fish?

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This is kind of tricky. Krill are actually small shrimp, but capable of purposeful swimming. Plankton, by definition, are all the little things in the water, some plants, some animals, that are not capable of purposeful swimming. That is, even if they swim a little, it is not enough to move them significantly from place to place relative to ocean currents. Larval krill would be part of the planktonic community, as would the larvae of many marine creatures. But adult krill are not plankton.

Size comparison: Krill can grow to over 20cm in length and feed primarily on the mostly microscopic plankton.

Is spider a carnivore?

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Yes, spiders are carnivores. They primarily feed on insects and other small arthropods that they catch in their webs or through hunting.

Where is a shrimps heart located?

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A shrimps heart is located on its head. If we base it on the exact anatomy of a shrimp, its heart is located on its thorax just after the head, but both the head and the thorax are covered with a single exoskeleton only, that is why the shrimps thorax can be mistaken as still part of the shrimps head. But in general, we see a shrimp divided only into 2 parts, the head and the tail, we see no thorax in it.

What is the respiration system of a prawn?

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Prawns have gills that are used for respiration. They extract oxygen from water through their gills, where it is then transported to their tissues for cellular respiration. Gills also help prawns eliminate carbon dioxide produced as a waste product of respiration.

Do shrimp sleep?

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Shrimp do not sleep in the same way that humans do, but they do have periods of rest where they are less active. They may become inactive or hide during these resting periods, especially during the day when they are more vulnerable to predators.

How do animals respond to light?

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Animals can respond to light by adjusting their behavior, such as foraging or mating activities, based on the presence or absence of light. Many animals have biological rhythms tied to light cycles, like the sleep-wake cycle in humans. Some animals use light for navigation or to regulate physiological processes like hormone production.