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Q: Why are buttock muscles contraindicated as injection sites on children under 12?
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Why are buttock muscles as injection sites on children under age two contraindicated?

too close to the sciatic nerve

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What are the four main injection muscles?

The four main intramuscular injection muscles are the deltoid muscle, vastus lateralis muscle, ventrogluteal muscle, and dorsogluteal muscle. While the deltoid muscle site is the upper arm region, the vastus lateralis muscle site is on the thigh. The ventrogluteal muscle is the hip, and the dorsogluteal muscle is situated on the buttock area.

Are buttock muscles used when walking?

The gluteus muscles are used when walking. They support the upper body in an upright posture.

What is a bluedeus maxamus?

The gluteus maximus is the largest of three muscles in each buttock that move the thigh.

Factors that contradict administration of subcutaneous injection?

The muscles

How do you administer intramuscular injection?

Intra muscular injections can be adminstered at sites having bulk of muscles eg. buttock, arms. if you r giving it in buttock then palpate for muscle belly clean the area with spirit swab then insert needle 'perpendiular' to muscle and then slightly pull out piston to check needle is not in any vessel,if no blood came then push the piston slowly. after adminstering whole drug remove needle and put a swab for 5 minutes

What buttock muscle for intramuscular injection?

Gluteal means in the buttocks.There are three muscles that more or less make up the part of the body that we call the buttocks; gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus, hence gluteal.IM means Intra Muscular.So gluteal IM injection is given in the muscles of the buttocks.The reason why an injection is given in the buttocks usually is that whatever the drug it has to slowly diffund into the bloodstream as opposed to IV (intraveneously) that is administered directly into the bloodstream. e.g. some psychoactive drugs needs to be administered this way to have a long lasting effect, so it is not necesarry to take the medicin quite as often.

What are hard painful knots in your buttock?

It is possible that the knots are either torn muscles or sebaceous cysts. Both should be treated by a doctor or medical professional.

What is another word for bum?

idler, loafer, slacker, layabout, lounger, shirker, loser, hobo, vagrant, tramp

What are the four intramuscular injection sites?

The deltoid, vastus lateralis, and the gluteal muscles.

How do children get muscles?

They are born with them.