

Why are calcium good for clotting?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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13y ago

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calcium act as enzyme activators in clotting without it either there would be no clotting or delayed clotting

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Q: Why are calcium good for clotting?
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Calcium, vit D and vit K are important in the blood clotting cascade. Calcium and Vit K are cofactors and are directly needed to convert certain proteins into functioning clotting factors. Vit D is needed for Calcium absorption.

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wow the person who did this b4 didn't know JACK

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Calcitonin "tones down" plasma calcium concentrations (as Ca++). If calcitonin were high, Ca++ would be low, and calcium ion is an important cofactor in the clotting process.

How does calcium helps in blood clotting?

Calcium works together with vitamin K and a protein called fibrinogen in the clotting cascade. Without adequate levels of calcium and vitamin K, blood will take longer to clot, and if both nutrients are missing you might bleed to death. Most people gain enough calcium and vitamin K from their diets, but in some cases supplements may be prescribed.

What are functions of the major mineral calcium?

it strengthens bones and teeth. it helps with proper blood clotting. "