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Osteoporosis is a disease of the bone. With osteoporosis, bones may become brittle and fragile. This is due to a loss of bone density. Calicum supplements are important for individuals who have osteoporosis because they help build and strengthen bone.

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it helps your body stay sturdy and you less weak.

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Q: How calcium help against osteoporosis?
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How does whole milk help osteoporosis?

Whole mile has calcium, which helps osteoporosis.

Does the osteoporosis diet work?

The osteoporosis diet is used mainly for taking preventative measures against osteoporosis, by limiting salt, and sugar, and increasing calcium intake.

What nutrient is best to help osteoprosis?

The best help for osteoporosis is calcium with vitamin D3.

What disease is caused by the loss of bone calcium?

Calcium does much for the body, but the common answer for that is osteoporosis

Does calcium help you lose weight?

A we know that calcium is important for bone development and protecting against the bone disease osteoporosis. More calcium inside a cell means more fat. So we can say Overdose of calcium make fat in our body.

Do osteoporosis supplements cure osteoporosis disease?

Unfortunately, there is no known cure for osteoporosis. You can help treat and prevent it by taking calcium, vitamin D, eating healthy, and exercising regularly.

A diet rich in calcium and vitamin D can help prevent?

Osteoporosis. Bone material loss.

Are there any nutritional diets that can help eliminate osteopoerosis?

Osteoporosis is a condition in which bone density decreases, leaving the bones brittle and easily breakable. To prevent bone loss, eat a diet full of calcium. Also, a calcium supplement would help prevent osteoporosis.

What is the best diet for osteoporosis?

The best diet for Osteoporosis is one with good amounts of Calcium and Vitamin D. As these are what makes up your bone density. You can go to, to find out more information.

What should I do to prevent having osteoporosis?

Getting enough calcium and vitamin d are essential in preventing osteoporosis. Eating healthy and keeping active will help significantly with prevention.

What is caused by a deficiency in calcium?


What is the disease caused by lack of calcium?

Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth. Calcium deficiency can lead to disorders like osteoporosis (brittle bones)