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Q: Why are certain jobs seen as unfit for women?
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How did the view of women change after WW1?

while men were away fighting the war, the women decided to take up the jobs that were initionally for men. And then when the men came back they seen that women were cababile to do these jobs.

What are the jobs of women in ancient Ghana?

they were seen as framers and suppliers of fish and most importantly bearers of children hope this helped

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That totally depends on the person giving and receiving the massage. I have seen guys that give women the massage and he would totally have one. I have seen where women get touched in certain ways and it causes her to have one.

Why was the involvement of women in World War 1 so important?

women were seen to be good for house work and looking after the family-WW1 showed the world that women were just as motivated, capable, intelligent and successful at the jobs traditionally associated with man

In what cultures are bare breasts socially acceptable?

In certain African native tribes, women often have their breasts on display as it is seen as socially acceptable. There are also native Amazonian tribes where it is socially acceptable to have women's breasts on display.

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women were seen as possessions

Describe one traditional role of mean and women during 1950?

The role of women, in this era, was a traditional one. Women were expect to look after the children, cook, clean and follow their husbands lead. The men were seen as the head of the family, the bread winners so to speak. Women were expected to quit their jobs once the started a family.

How do you spell unoccupiable?

That is the correct spelling of the adjective "unoccupiable" (unfit as a residence).

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Where we're the concentration camps?

Concentration camps were around in World War 2 to eliminate the anyone who was of Jewish decent. This included men, women and children. As Hitler saw the Jewish people as 'evil', he saw that they must be eliminated. They were also used to find the strongest men to fight for the German Nazi Party. Any women/children seen unfit would have been executed.

What were women's role in Nazi Germany?

Women roles- Men were seen as the masters. Women were seen as the house guardians. A woman's world was her family. Women with children received an Honor Cross of Germany. Childless women were seen as inferior. They weren't allowed to be political, intellectual, listen to music, dance, smoke, or drink tea.

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