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A child's bones have not yet completely calcified and therefore are a little more flexible. As you get older, your bones get more rigid, and as you get MUCH older, they can actually become brittle.

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Q: Why are children less vulnerable to rib fractures?
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What fracture is most common in the elderly?

Hip fractures are high the older you get.

What can a rib fracture lead to?

The first rib is rarely fractured because of its protected position behind the clavicle (collarbone). However, if it is broken serious damage can occur to the brachial plexus of nerves and the subclavian vessels. Fractures of the first and second ribs may be more likely to be associated with head and facial injuries than other rib fractures.[1]The middle ribs are the ones most commonly fractured. Fractures usually occur from direct blows or from indirect crushing injuries.

Do boys really have one less rib?


Why do you need to place the hands correctly when doing CPR?

So that it is buffer and helps prevent cracking the ribcage.

What types of injuries occur over a long period of time from?

there are many, shin splints, tennis elbow, rib fractures just to name a few also kneecap wear and tear

Why is abdomen more vulnerable to damage than other organs?

The reason why the abdomen is more vulnerable to damage than other organs is because it has no bones around it to protect it. The lungs and heart for example, are somewhat protected by the rib cage and the brain is somewhat protected by the skull.

Why is the abdomen more vulnerable to damage than other organs?

The reason why the abdomen is more vulnerable to damage than other organs is because it has no bones around it to protect it. The lungs and heart for example, are somewhat protected by the rib cage and the brain is somewhat protected by the skull.

How are broken ribs set?

Usually, they aren't. Most rib fractures are just left to heal on their own. Often a rib belt will be provided or sometimes the rib cage will be taped, but if it's a minor fracture, you'll be told to just take it easy and don't make it worse. On the other hand, if a rib is completely broken, with sharp edges and a possibility of puncturing a lung, it will be surgically wired to minimize further risk. Only an x-ray will determine if the break is severe enough to justify surgery.

What is in quran says about men have one less rib bone than women?

No such verse in Quran.

Does chicken rib meat have pork in it?

Chicken with rib meat include the muscle portion of the chicken breast. It is fatty, and is usually less expensive than boneless chicken breasts.

Are a standing rib roast and a cross rib roast the same thing?

No, a standing rib roast, also known as prime rib, is a much better cut of meat and comes from an area just to the rear of the cross rib roast, also known as English roast. The cross rib roast is from the cut of beef known as "chuck", which is from the top of the forelimb, near where it meets the shoulder blades. The standing rib roast comes from the area of the ribs where they meet the rib cage (above the area of the rib cage where the "short plate" cut is). They really are not the same, and do not cook the same way. The cross rib roast is best braised, whereas the standing rib roast is best roasted. You should see a difference in the price, with cross rib roast being less expensive than standing rib roast.

You leaned over a railing on your right side and 2 days later your rib cage started hurting?

Most likely, you have a muscle strain or contusion. However, if the leaning over was at all traumatic, there is a possibility that you have one or more rib fractures. You should be evaluated for rib fracture, particularly if you are having difficulty breathing or if you develop fever or chills.