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we need to separate to remove undesirable components.

To remone undesirable components.

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Q: Why are components of a mixture separated?
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Why is it that the components of a mixture can be separated into the origanal substance?

The meaning is that the components can be separated from the mixture.

What ways can components of a mixture can be separated?

The components of a mixture can be separated by filtration and distillation.

How can components of a mixture be separated from each other?

It depends on the mixture.

What is a mixture in which the components can easily be separated?

This mixture is called non homogeneous.

If a substance can be physically separated into its components is it a pure substance or a mixture?


How is soil a mixture?

The composition of a mixture is variable. Each of its components retains its characteristic properties. Its components are easily separated.

Do components of a mixture maintain their original properties?

Yes, that is why it is a mixture. It can be separated back out to the original components (although this is sometimes difficult).

Which is a characteristics of the ingredients of a mixture?

They are able to be separated.

What is the difference in separating a compound and a mixture into their component elements?

The components of a mixture can be separated by physical means, such as filtration or distillation. The components of a compound can be separated only by chemical means, meaning a chemical reaction.

Which is easily separated into its components- solutions- compounds- homogeneous mixture by filtering or decanting?

A heterogeneous mixture

How can the components of a mixture be separated from each other?

- distillation - centrifugation - sieving - flotation - electromagnetic separation - filtering - manual sorting - radiometric sorting -etc.

What is a mixture and how is different from a compound?

a compound is a substance containing 2 or more different types of elements while a mixture is a substance containing 2 or more different materials. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The components of a compound can not be separated by physical means, the components of a mixture can be separated by physical means.