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Q: Why are consumers at the top of the food pyramid?
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What is one of the steps of the food chain or food pyramid examples producers primary secondary tertiary consumers?

the top of the pyramid

Where does an ecosysytem get energy?

Initially, energy from the sun is used by producers, which are photosynthetic, to make food. Primary consumers eat the photosynthetic organisms. Secondary consumers eat primary consumers, and so on. Tertiary consumers are at the top of the food pyramid. The amount of energy decreases with each level of the food pyramid as energy is lost as heat. This is why animals at the top of the pyramid, the tertiary consumers, must consume more animals to receive a sufficient amount of energy for survival.

What are the consumers at the top of the pyramid called?

Tertiary consumers

What level of the food pyramid contains consumers with the least biomass?

Those at the top of the food pyramid contain consumers with the smallest number and therefore, with the least total biomass compared to the layers below them.

What level of the food pyramid contains with the least biomass?

Those at the top of the food pyramid contain consumers with the smallest number and therefore, with the least total biomass compared to the layers below them.

At the top of a pyramid of biomass are the?

tertiary consumers

Are consumers at the top or bottom of the food pyramid?

Well, it depends if your a primary consumer you are second to bottom. If your secondary consumer you are the middle and if you are terriety consumer meaning third or last your at the top or behind the decomposers.

What level are monkeys on the food pyramid?

Tertiary consumers.

Where on the energy pyramid will you find the following?

from top to bottom of the pyramid: tertiary consumers... and so on. secondary consumers (carnivores) primary consumers (herbivores) primary producers (like grass)

What is the top of the food pyramid called?

Fats, oils and sweets is the category at the top of the food pyramid.

What is the level of consumers that eat only producers?

This is primary consumers. They are the second level of the food pyramid.

Where would you put a decomposer on a food pyramid?

At the top of the food pyramid. Producer at the base and decomposer at the top.