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Coral is actually an animal, but unlike most animals it can't move around. Coral reefs are beautiful and are homes to many beautiful tropical fish. Silt builds up from farm irregation are causing the reefs to suffocate. We need to preserve the for future generations to marvel at. Children in the future might not get to see the barrier reef in 30 or 40 years.

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12y ago


1) they are beautiful

2) they have plenty of pretty wildlife

3) they are usually located in a vacation spot

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Q: Why are coral reefs major tourist attractions?
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Why do tourists travel to coral reefs?

why do tourist travel to coral reef

What are the activities that can save coral reefs from destruction?

coral reefs are destructed because the other human getting coral reefs to sell us a tourist spot or souvenirs to have money

What is a major benefit gained from coral reefs?

The major benefit gained from coral reefs is, like food or shelter for like little fish or other sea animals.

What structures do coral colonies produce?

Coral Reefs

Are dolphins in the coral reefs?

no dolphins are not in coral reefs.

What are the resources taken from coral reefs?

The main resource is the coral itself. Coral takes a very long time to grow, and people remove it to use as decorations and such. Coral reefs can become severely damaged this way. Many tourist guides are urging tourists to not purchase real coral from gift shops for this reason.

What coral reef is in California?

There are no coral reefs IN California

Where does the name coral reef come from?

The reason they are called Coral Reef is because there are lots of coral in those locations, and they are also called coral reefs or reefs of coral reefs of coral too.

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What is deterioration of coral reefs?

Coral reefs are being killed by pollutants.

What animal classification are coral reefs?

http:/ Coral reefs are aragonite structures produced by living organisms. Coral is the animal, the coral reefs themselves are hard exoskeleton made of calcium carbonate by the coral. 3 major classifications are; Kingdom- Animalia, Phylum- Cnidaria, Class- Anthozoa (meaning flowering animal)

How does the fact that the Bahamas are coral islands affect the area's economy?

The Bahamas are coral islands, therefore, they are surrounded by rich coral reefs. These coral reefs are popular tourist attractions. This fact makes the Bahamas a premier tourist destination and this booming tourist industry brings about economic development. Infrastructure on the most visited islands, especially New Providence Island (site of Nassau the capital) and Grand Bahama, is improved as a result, the booming tourist industry brings about a thriving banking and finance industry, and the locals are provided by a greater variety of jobs and careers that are byproducts of any tourist industry. The coral reefs are also the source of several species of fish, therefore the Bahamas is afforded a decent fishing industry, adding further to the economy. However, being coral islands, the Bahamas have little freshwater as any precipitation (the Bahamas are flat so rainfall is generally low) simply percolates into the rock, away from human use. Therefore, money has to be spent on importing bottled water and desalination. This costs the economy. Also, as coral islands, each of the Bahamas are small, and with increasing population, overcrowding, homelessness, unemployment, pollution and crime result, costing the tourist industry, thus costing the economy.