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There is a slim chance that some may be proved eventually to be real, but then they would no longer be cryptids.

This is precisely the question cryptozoologists attempt to answer by setting out to verify rumors or legends of strange beasts or creatures. Sometimes it turns out that the stories have some truth, sometimes no trace can be found of anything and other times there is inconclusive evidence that requires further study. Often, however, despite the inroads of scientific inquiry, the more famous cryptid legends and local beliefs remain unaffected by scientific results either because of deep superstition, custom, distrust, or because there are witnesses who are absolutely sure of what they have witnessed. Science can only go so far since often the funding for such expeditions is sparse and the equipment that can be borrowed for such endeavors is often second-rate. Cryptozoology, though not treated on par with other scientific disciplines is more concerned with possible actual creatures and less with vampires, demons, and creatures of purported supernatural abilities. These are rather fodder of paranormal investigators.

Some cryptids that were eventually proved real include the platypus, the pongo (gorilla), the okapi (a giraffe/zebra type animal), and the coelacanth (a prehistoric fish thought long extinct).

So.... they might be real. You just have to go out there and see for yourself.

criptids are absolutely real.I have seen them. i have seen moth man, El chupacabra, and terrors from the Sky's

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7y ago
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10y ago

Well, the answer is simply no one knows. The very essence of a cryptid is that cryptids are unproven to science. In theory, most cryptids are scientifically plausible. Also, many have reliable witnesses and photographs to support their existence. One example of a plausible cryptid is the Orang-Pendek, a bigfoot-like hominid. Many real cryptids may exist, and some are only variations of familiar creatures that somehow appear strange.

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13y ago

"Cryptid" is a term which is used in cryptozoology to refer to a creature whose existence has been observed anecdotally, or from legend, without being scientifically proven to exist.

As with UFO's there may be many witnesses, photos, videos, or other forms of evidence, but no actual creature or DNA sample to confirm its reality.

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12y ago

yup i think me and my 3 dogs saw momo

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They are neither proved nor disproved, as no solid evidence yet exists that they are actual creatures.

Is there a list on Wikipedia of reptile-like mythical creatures?

Yes, there is. It is "List of Reptilian Cryptids". There is also sea cryptids, hominid cryptids, carnivorous cryptids, etc.

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There is no factory on cryptids.

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we are not sure it is a legend plus some cryptids are legend and people don't know if there real

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