

Why are damselflies important?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: Why are damselflies important?
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Are damselflies pests?

No. Damselflies are considered beneficial, as they eat insects such as mosquitoes.

Are damselflies real?

Yes. Damselflies are a variety of small, delicate insects related to dragonflies.

What do damselflies eat?

Damselflies eat other flying insects, particularly midges and mosquitoes.

What family are damselflies?

Damselflies are not a family, they make up the suborder Zygoptera, which contains 14 families.

Who are the predators of damselflies?

A wasp

Do damselflies bite people?

Damselflies do not bite people. They don't have enough power to bite and even if they did not enough to break the skin

What plant does damselflies?

i hate u

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What does odonata mean?

dragonflies and damselflies

What istheclassification for dragonflies?

Phylum Arthropoda ==> Hexapoda ==> Insecta ==> Odonata (dragon/damselflies). Within Odonata, dragonflies are Anisoptera, damselflies are Zygoptera.

What does damselflies eat?

A damselfly eats poo

How do damselflies fly?

They use the power of the Triforce.