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because they are both part of recycling

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Q: Why are degradable and non degradable objects be recycled together?
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Related questions

Why shouldn't degradable plastic be recycled with non bio degradable plastic?

Because they are each recycled into different materials so if they were recycled together you would have plastic from both forms in one bottle and will make it harder or impossible for bio degradable bottles to decompose later on if thrown out.

How can recycle waste and non degradable waste?

yes it can be recycled

What is non degradable waste?

waste that is non degradable

What are the effects of non degradable and non degradable materials toward a green environment?

IT IS boring

Is glass degradable?

Glass is recyclable. Glass is non degradable. Bio degradable waste rots away. Oil based paints are normally not bio degradable.

What are the classification of waste?

1) Bio-degradable waste 2) Non bio-degradable waste

What are the degradable and non degradable pollutants?

Disposal whidh can be decompose by nature are called deradable pollutants

What are degradable and non degradable pollutant?

Disposal whidh can be decompose by nature are called deradable pollutants

What is the opposite of the word 'bio-degradable'?


Benefits of bio degradable over non bio degradable materials?

Suck on a chupa chup and throw it in the bin

Biological and non-biological substances?

Wood is an example of a Bio-Degradable substance. Bacteria will digest wood and return its chemicals to the soil. Glass is a Non-Bio-Degradable substance. It would have to be reCycled through mechanical processes, such as grinding, melting, etc.

How can you make non-biodegradable plastic degradable?

Blow it up.