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Because dewdrops or fogs are made of vapor and vapor is water so when it is a hot day these are not formed because they evaporate.

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Q: Why are dewdrops or fog not formed during hot days?
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Why does fog form on a car window during the winter?

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Are clouds forming form smoke and fog these days?

Clouds, by definition, are large collections of water vapor. The fog that we see formed from car exhaust and factory smoke is called smog.

What type of cloud is often formed by fog lifting in the morning?

What type of cloud that is often formed by fog lifting in the morning?

Is a rainbow formed by smog?

No. A rainbow appears only during or after rainfall and the sun is bright. While smog is a mixture of smoke and fog, and there wont be fog if the sun is shinning bright in the sky.

What is fog when it is formed?

Fog is considered to be a form of cloud. Fog is a formation of droplets of water. Fog is generally found near bodies of water such as lakes or rivers.

What is thicker fog or mist?

mist and fog are kinder the same thing they are formed when the are is ti cold

How is pea soup fog formed?

pea soup fog is fog witch contains green peas and cample soup.

What cloud is formed by fog in the morning?


What lights to use during fog?

Fog lights

What is the City with most fog?

The city that has the most annual fog in the US is New Orleans, Louisiana. It has an average of about 200 days of fog annually. The next foggiest city is Jacksonville, Florida with about 198 days of fog. The least foggiest is Las Vegas, Nevada with only 5 days of fog.

What cloud is formed by fog lifting in the morning?
