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Q: Why are dialysis tubes branched or colied?
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What is the antonym for colied?

The antonym for "coiled" is "straightened" or "uncoiled."

What materials used in dialysis tubes?

dialysis tube is a type of semi-permable membrane tubing that is used in separation techniques based on differential diffusion

What material is used in making tubes used for dialysis and blood transfusion?

Polyvinyl chloride(pvc)

How are dialysis bags used in medicine?

Dialysis bags are used to help patients with kidney failure. Tubes are inserted to the patients and filter harmful and large molecules allowing the small, desired ones to pass by as a kidney would.

Why is a dialysis membrane used in a kidney dialysis machine?

A dialysis machine tries to mimic some of the functions of a human kidney. One of the primary jobs of a kidney is to remove urea and certain salts from the blood so they can exit the body in urine. In a dialysis machine, blood from the patient runs through tubes made of a semi-porous membrane. Outside the tubes is a sterile solution made up of water, sugars and other components. Red and white blood cells and other important blood components are too large to fit through the pores in the membranes, but urea and salt flow through membranes into the sterile solution and are removed.

What treatment is used for people who have kidneys that no longer can filter waste from the blood?

Dialysis is.

How does a millipede breathe?

By a tracheal system as in insects, with branched air tubes . A pair of spiracles allows air to enter each segment

What type of molecule is 2-methylpentene?

branched la apex

What is the treatment that provides ongoing dialysis to patients that are out and about?

Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) - the process of dialysis is done while the patient goes about his/her normal daily activities.Outpatient dialysis.

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How many dialysis centers in India?

700 dialysis centers with a total of 4000 dialysis machines

Acetate dialysis definition?

define acetate dialysis