

Why are dolphins hunted?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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12y ago

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"They aren't. Most causalities come from dolphins getting tangled in fishing nets and lines ans just being thrown away by the fisherman who set the traps."

was the last answer but that's not true. in Japan they're hunted they are being eatin or being sent to dolphin aquariums some are even killed just because they are "eatin all the fish"

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12y ago
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11y ago

There are many reasons, but most of the reasons come down to money. Some catch them to sell their meat. Fishermen catch them to get rid of them, because the dolphins eat too much of the fish that they need to catch and sell.

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13y ago

Dolphins are hunted for three primary reasons: some countries hunt them with intentions to eat them, while most fishermen hunt dolphins because they think that they are a threat to their business- dolphins eat the fish that fishermen hunt for and rely on for income; some people hunt them for sport.

Overfishing and the hunting of dolphins and many other vulnerable and endangered species has made it harder for all organisms which rely on the oceans for survival. Humans and billions of other species (not only in the ocean, but on land, too) are especially dependent.

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14y ago

Well, yes because when they catch fish and the dolphin is hunting them they get caught

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12y ago

Dolphins and other animals are poached for what they have.Dolphins have meat,teeth and other things and other things that could be worth money.Its a terrible thing.

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13y ago

Because of strange traditions

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