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they eat right

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Q: Why are dutch people tall?
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Why are the Dutch so tall?

I am Dutch and I've found that they are tall, short and in between. However, there are many tall Dutch people because they are relatively wealthy and take pride in using some of this wealth to further the health of their people. And also because in the food that they eat there are a lot of grow-hormons.

How tall is Jim Dutch?

Jim Dutch is 6'.

How tall is Dutch Marich?

Dutch Marich is 6'.

How tall is Dutch Schultz?

Dutch Schultz is 5' 7".

How tall is Deborah Dutch?

Deborah Dutch is 5' 2".

How tall is Dutch Savage?

Dutch Savage is 6' 4".

How tall is Dutch Hillenburg?

Dutch Hillenburg is 6' 4".

Why are Dutch people so tall?

Several factors contribute to the tall stature of Dutch people, including genetics, diet, healthcare, and socio-economic factors. The Dutch have a long history of good nutrition and access to healthcare, leading to better overall health and growth. Additionally, genetic factors that favor height have been passed down through generations in the Dutch population.

Are Dutch people weird?

Dutch people are very interesting people. A lot of them are in a way ''mysterious'' They are tall and strict people. They do like to have fun though. Not weird. Of course every nationality is though going to have their share of having weirdos in the bunch.

What are the characteristics of Dutch people?

Dutch people are reserved and well mannered, they may seem a bit aloof and cold. They are straight forward, honest and a bit boring. People there are very tall, usually have blond hair/blue eyes.

Why are Dutch tall?

because they wear fanny packs First of all, the guy that wrote that above me is an idiot. And to let you know, not all dutch people are tall, it's just an average. Some of the kids in my class are tall, and some are really short. (I'm in the 2nd year of middle school)

Where are Dutch people located?

The most Dutch people live in the Netherlands since that's where Dutch people are born.