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The crustal plates are less dense than the mantle but hard and solid. Because of heat convection currents in the plastic-like rock of the mantle, the crust is pushed and pulled as material from the mantle pushes it's way to the surface and is drawn down again, creating tectonic plate movement.

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Q: Why are each of the earth's plates floating like a raft?
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What are moving pieces under the earths surface that form the earths crust?

Tectonic plates are the moving pieces under the Earth's surface that form the Earth's crust. These plates float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere and interact with each other through processes like subduction, spreading, and collision, which contribute to the shaping of Earth's surface features.

What is the surface of the earth floating on?

The crust, on which we live on, is like islands of tectonic plates that are floating on the semi-molten magma.

How are crustal plates similar to ice floating on a pond?

The plates are floating on magma, and will eventually melt as they are subducted back into the mantle, just like ice melting as it floats in the water.

What plastic like layer has tectonic plates ride on it?

The middle layer of earth that is MANTLE. It has the tectonic plates floating on it.

What is the jigsaw like parts of the earths crust called?

Tectonic Plates

What is it called when earths plates move together?

Tectonic convergence, or something like that.

How do the Earth's continents move?

The continents move because of plate tectonics. The earth;s crust is made of many large and small pieces, called plates, that are floating on top of magma, molten rock. To get an idea what this is like, imagine water boiling. If you look into the pot you can see that it is moving in upward cycles. This is called convection currents. The Earths magma does this too, but much slower. Then imagine that you are making soup and the noodles are floating on top and colliding with each other as the soup boils. The continents floating on their tectonic plates are like the noodles, only when they collide together they cause earthquakes, volcanoes, caldera's, and these actions create islands or mountains, or sink holes, but usually just move the continents around.

Why isn't the Earths created like the moon and Mercury?

because of volcanic action, erosion and and tectonic plates grinding agaist each other it makes the Earth rocky and rough, but not making it cratered like the moon and mercury.

Where are tectonic plates located?

Tectonic plates are located within the Earth's lithosphere, which is the outermost layer of the Earth. These plates float on top of the semi-fluid asthenosphere beneath them. The movement of these plates is responsible for various geological phenomena like earthquakes, volcanic activity, and mountain building.

Why does tidal waves occur?

It happens due to the shifting of the earths plates.. Jus like a earthquake but it happens in the ocean!

In what ways do plates in the earths crust move?

they move in all sorts of ways like the bottom and the top lol :}

How the continent splitted?

The continents split due to the process of plate tectonics. This occurs when the Earth's crust is divided into several large and small tectonic plates that float on the semi-fluid layer of the mantle. Over millions of years, these plates move apart or collide, causing continents to drift away from each other or come together.