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When the two different kinds of plates collide, a part of the world starts to shake exactly like an earthquake.

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Q: What types of movement in Earths crust causes earthquakes?
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What often occurs along faults or breaks in earths crust where movement occurs?


What causes stress earths crust?

The movement in earths plates create powerful forces that pull or squeeze the rock in the crust.

What causes faults in Earths crust?

The constant plate movement

What is the name of ca famous break in the earths crust that causes earthquakes to occur?

bere hive

What are scientist who study earthquakes and the movement of the Earths crust?

Seismologists or geologists, respectively.

What activity in the magma causes crustal plate movement?

convection currents. Causes the magma to move the earths crust creating plate movement.

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What causes the sea floor to spread apart?

Sea floor spreading occurs due to the movement of tectonic plates away from each other. This movement creates a gap or rift at the mid-ocean ridge where magma rises up from below the Earth's crust, solidifying to form new crust. Over time, this process results in the continuous widening of the sea floor.

Earthquakes happen when these sections of Earth's crust move?

earthquakes happen when these sections of earths crust move

What causes the earths crust to rise and fall?

The sudden vibration in the plates inside the crust causes the earths crust to rise & fall.

What are the different types of earthquakes?

I think there are three types of earthquakes one is the earths crust