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its a purple spider with red dots on its under side.

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Q: Why are elemental properties periodic?
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Is electricity an elemental power from periodic table?

No, electricity per se is NOT an elemental property from the periodic table. One can glean information about electrical conductivity from the periodic table, however.

What is the periodic table considered to be periodic?

The properties of elements are periodic function of their atomic number. The properties are repeated after certain interval.

What are four unique characteristics of compounds?

Properties of Compounds A compound has unique properties that are distinct from the properties of its elemental constituents.

What metal is copper?

Copper, Cu on the periodic table, is an elemental metal.

What is a group of elements on a periodic table called?

It is called an elemental group.

Groups on the periodic table with similar properties are?

Groups on the periodic table with similar properties are called families.

Why groups of periodic table have similar chemical properties?

The properties of chemical elements have a periodic trend.

How can the periodic table identify the properties of chemical families?

Periodic table group elements with same properties together. Hence their properties can be identified.

What is pattern of repeating properties of elements revealed in the periodic table called?

The answer to, ' when repeating chemical and physical properties of elements change periodically with the elements' atomic numbers it is called the?'Periodic law, is the answer. PERIODIC LAW !orPeriodicity of the chemical elements properties.

What are the properties based on modern periodic table?

Properties of elements are periodic function of atomic number. Elements with same chemical properties are grouped together.

Are the elements of the periodic table arranged by their properties?

Elements are arranged by their atomic number. The properties are periodic when arranged in this manner.

Who developed the table of elements which revealed regularities in elemental properties?
