

Why are elephants becoming so violent?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Violent Video Games, lack of parental discipline, artificial colours in the foods they eat.

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Q: Why are elephants becoming so violent?
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What may cause its extinction elephant?

Elephants are becoming extinct due to the killing of elephants for their tusks.

Why are elephants becoming exinct?

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Why are African eliphants becoming extinct?

African elephants are becoming extinct because people are killing them .

Why elephants are few in number?

The amount of reasons for exactly why elephants are sadly becoming so endangered are numerous , poaching , loss of habitat , loss of food etc. all amount to deadly consequences.

Is elephant extinct animal?

no elephants are not extinct they are becoming extinct though. About 100 years ago there were about 10 million elephants that walked the earth and now there are only about 500,000 left. They are becoming extinct because we are killing them for their thick beautiful ivory.

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Anything that evaporates fast is called volatile. Easily becoming angry or violent

Are elephants violent against humans?

Yes, they can ... BUT no where as easily as the Indian elephant. An example of trained African elephants are the ones that Hannibal brought across the Mediterranean and through the mountains with his army when he was attacking Rome.

Why are African elephants becoming extinct?

Because they are being poached/hunted for their Ivory.

What is being done to stop Asian elephants becoming extinct?

One thing that is being done to stop Asian elephants from becoming extinct is to enforce stricter laws on poaching. Protecting their habitat is also a way to help them.

Does games make children violent?

Yes it does because kids watch violence over and over again, and they get used to it, so they learn to believe violence is not a big deal, and start becoming violent to kids in school.

What are the main causes of Asian elephants becoming extinct?

A: Often the causes of elephants dying are that poachers may kill them, or that their habitat is destroyed. They can also die from overwork, as some humans have used elephants to shift logs.