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Q: Why are epic characteristics important in a story?
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What characteristics of an epic are shown in the story indarapatra and sulayman?

they were the two rajahs who ruled the maynilad

Why is this an important epic for Indian?

We don't have your story so can't answer your question.

Why is this epic important for Indians?

We don't have your story so can't answer your question.

What does epic from ancient Rome mean?

An epic from ancient Rome simply means a long story or just a story. Virgil's Aeneid, for example, is an epic from ancient Rome.An epic from ancient Rome simply means a long story or just a story. Virgil's Aeneid, for example, is an epic from ancient Rome.An epic from ancient Rome simply means a long story or just a story. Virgil's Aeneid, for example, is an epic from ancient Rome.An epic from ancient Rome simply means a long story or just a story. Virgil's Aeneid, for example, is an epic from ancient Rome.An epic from ancient Rome simply means a long story or just a story. Virgil's Aeneid, for example, is an epic from ancient Rome.An epic from ancient Rome simply means a long story or just a story. Virgil's Aeneid, for example, is an epic from ancient Rome.An epic from ancient Rome simply means a long story or just a story. Virgil's Aeneid, for example, is an epic from ancient Rome.An epic from ancient Rome simply means a long story or just a story. Virgil's Aeneid, for example, is an epic from ancient Rome.An epic from ancient Rome simply means a long story or just a story. Virgil's Aeneid, for example, is an epic from ancient Rome.

Why is Star Wars an epic?

story is epic, action is epic, characters are epic, do you see now

Are characteristics of epic heroes?


What is a story that embodies the values of a society?

It is an epic.

Is the epic of Gilgamesh a famous story that expresses the qualities of leadership important to sumerians?

Yes, the Epic of Gilgamesh is a famous Sumerian story that highlights leadership qualities deemed important to the Sumerians, such as bravery, wisdom in decision-making, and loyalty to one's subjects. Gilgamesh, as the protagonist, embodies these qualities as he navigates his adventures and grows as a leader throughout the epic.

Is Pandora's box considered as an epic story?

No. An Epic is a tale that recounts the deeds and life of a legendary hero, by Pandora's story contains no such hero. Pandora's Box is a myth. The Odyssey is an epic. Beowulf is an epic. The Lord of the Rings is an epic.

What do you call a story?

an epic

What is the epic story of arjuna called?

The epic story of Arjuna was called The Mahabharata. I recommend the version by Krishna Dharma.

What is the world's first known story?

Epic of Gilgamesh