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Some people have different sense of comedy. some will think they are funny, ehile others will be more machure

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Q: Why are farts funny to some more than others?
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Is it healthy to have smelly farts?

farts smell can be influenced by what you eat the day before. Some food produced more smell than the others e.g meat, eggs. Some people farts more often than the others as well. If you have a lot of gas in your intestine or bloats often, please check with your doctors to make sure the gas is not due to some other medical conditions.

Why can't some people hold in farts they can't suppress them and it is sometimes non stop?

First- everyone farts. EVERYONE. Farts are a combination of air you swallowed, and gasses that are generated during digestion of food. Some foods produce more gas- like beans, cabbage, brussel sprouts- and for some people, milk. And some people get gas more than others.

Do farts smell?

Some farts smell. Others do not. It all depends on the specific chemical makeup of the gas released with the fart. For example, different food combinations produce different smelling farts.

What are some funny sounds that you can record on your phone to play in class to get your teacher annoyed?

Farting or burping of course! hehe Farts LOL

What is hitting your smell receptors that makes them smell a fart?

It's the small amount of methane in everybody's farts. Some people produce more than others.

Can you die from smelling too many farts?

YES! It depends on the methane level in the fart, all farts carry methane but some more than others. Like cows have ways more than humans when they cut the cheese. (Methane is a weak poisonous gas in common everyday things)

How are farts created?

Farts are created when food is digested in the intestines/colon. FARTS FARTS FARTS FARTS FARTS

What are some funny or sarcastic pages on facebook?

- i laugh when the ketchup farts - I hate that little triangle the windshield whipers dont clean - No one's a "Loser"... we are all the sperms that won! - ...

Why are some things funny to some but not to others?

because thy could be offensive to someone else

My farts smell really eggy but my girlfriend sophies farts smell worse why is this?

It is related to nutrition. It depends what you are eating. Some food will have a more pronounced odor when the are expelled from the body.

Why do vegetarians produce more flatulence?

Vegetarians may produce more intestinal gases, which are released as farts, than omnivores because as vegetables are digested methane is produced with sulphur and other compounds which may cuse the farts to smell offensive to some people.

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