

Why are flamingos at the zoo?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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12y ago

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so people can see them because they are not native to Piladelpia

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Q: Why are flamingos at the zoo?
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Does Utah have flamingos?

No, only in a zoo.

What is a flamingos diet?

Flamingos eat shrimp, algae, and other small creatures that live in shallow water.

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How long does a flamingos live for?

In captivity it is, according to Zoo Basel, over 60 years.

What zoo animals have 2 legs?

There are a variety of zoo animals with two legs. These include flamingos, ostriches, penguins, emus, as well as kangaroos.

What are some zoo animals that begin with f?

Most zoos have fox and fish. Flamingos are an exhibit at many zoos.

What do you see at the Bronx Zoo?

It has penguins,polar bears,monkeys,butterflies,giraffes,ostriches,flamingos and much more!

Are flamingos safari animals?

Flamingos are found in Africa, they also inhabit Asia, North America, Central America, South America, and Europe. Please see the link below for a world map of flamingos habitat.

Why flamingos live in the zoo?

i'm not exactly sure why... maybe people are interested in them? also, they do live in groups, and in areas with water. i mean why not?! lol.

What animal gets its color from eating brine shimp?

Flamingos, after eating brine shrimp they become pink. The color will gradually build up in their system. Flamingos in a zoo would be white if only fed fish, which is why they receive supplements in their feed.

What are typical live animals seen in a Western Zoo?

Animals typically seen in a Western Zoo include exotic creatures, including gorillas, lions, hippos, flamingos, chimpanzees, tortoises, alligators, snakes, bears, and many more.

What are some of the exhibits at Bristol Zoo in the UK?

Some of the exhibits at Bristol Zoo in the UK include flamingos, fruit Bats, meerkats, pygmy hippos, red pandas, a reptile house, okapi, pudu, and a butterfly forest along with many others.