

Why are flowers different colors?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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Pollinators are attracted by different things. Colour is only one of them.

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Q: Why are flowers different colors?
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Related questions

How do flowers get their colors?

Flowers get their color from pigments such as anthocyanins and carotenoids. Some naturally evolved to have colors. Others were hyridized by humans to have colors different than the original parent plants.

What colors do flowers have?

There are lots of different colors that a color of a flower could be. Yellow, white, red, pink, orange are the most common of the colors of flowers.

What kind of flowers were given to the athelets at the Olympics?

Different contries have different colors of flowers. For example, spidermoms and hypericum berries.

What can you get with a black star blossom?

Really all you can do is plant different flowers to get different colors to get the one your looking for.

What kind of flowers did she paint and color?

Georgia O'Keeffe painted some 50 different kinds of flowers in all the colors you can think of.

Can flowers be died different colors?

Many can, but not all. Carnations are easy, lotus impossible.

What happens when red flowers mate with red flowers?

If they are true breeding, then the progeny have red flowers. However, if they are not true breeding, then you could get a rainbow of colors in the progeny, or possibly just two or three different colors such as maybe red, white, and pink.

What is the meaning of Variegated?

of Variegate, Having marks or patches of different colors; as, variegated leaves, or flowers.

How do you turn flowers different colors?

You take food coloring and add it to the plants water it will change the color

Purple flowers are dominant to white flowers?

If purple flowers are dominant to white flowers, it means that a plant with one purple allele and one white allele will display the purple flower phenotype. The white flower phenotype would only be expressed if the plant inherits two white alleles.

Where do flowers get their colors?

Flowers get their specific colors from genetic traits passed on by its parent flower. The pigments that supply flowers with the ability to harbor colors are called anthocyanins.

Why do some fruits and seeds have distinct differences in appearance and structure?

Because fruits are in different color.