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Q: Why are following directions in the lab important?
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Why following direction important?

Following directions is important for many reasons. When traveling, following the directions will get you to your destination directly. When assembling a product, following the directions assures that the product will be assembled correctly.

What is Unacceptable behavior in the lab?

Anything that would put you in danger is unacceptable - like running around and playing and cutting up and not following directions.

What should you do if you see an animal safety symbol i the directions for a lab?

it means that you should be careful when you work with live animals in the lab

Why are directions important?

Directions are important because without them, people would be driving around lost. Written directions are also important when a person buys something that needs to be assembled. Directions are very important for cooking food.

Why is it important to have a partner during a lab?

Having a partner for a lab is important because you can have help from them if they know what to do to make the lab a success.

What are three things you should do when preparing for a lab?

Preparing for a lab should begin the day before you will perform the lab. It is important to read through the procedure carefully and make sure you understand all the directions. Also, review the general safety guidelines in Appendix A, including those related to the specific equipment you will use. If anything is unclear, be prepared to ask your teacher about it before you begin the lab.

Why is it important to follow directions?

It is important to follow directions because they know and tell you exactly what to do. If you do not follow directions, you can end up in a big mess.

What change did you have to make in in Lab 7.1 and Why was this important?

do the lab

What causes confusion when following directions driving?

Could be poor directions that were given...or a persons' inability to follow directions (or instructions for that matter).

Why maths lab is important in school?

You have a meth lab? that's illegal

What should you do before starting any lab?

Read all directions and make sure you understand them.

Why is it important to follow proper lab safety procedures?

it is very important to follow proper lab safety procedures