

Why are fossil fuels running out so fast?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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because weve been using them for over a hundred years. were taking them faster than the earth can make them

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Q: Why are fossil fuels running out so fast?
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Should you worry about fossil fuels running out and why?

yes. there is only so many fossil fuels in the earth

Why is the burning of fossil fuels a concern for a scientists?

because when fossil fuels are burned,the fossil fuels are running out more and more and so scientists are trying to figure out a way for fossil fuels to become more of a renewable resourse then a nonrenewable resource so that way we have more of a likely cause that we will have a future use of all the fossil fuel that are about to run out just like an extinct species.

Why is the burning of fossil fuels concern for scientists?

because when fossil fuels are burned,the fossil fuels are running out more and more and so scientists are trying to figure out a way for fossil fuels to become more of a renewable resourse then a nonrenewable resource so that way we have more of a likely cause that we will have a future use of all the fossil fuel that are about to run out just like an extinct species.

Why are natural resources fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels are considered to be an exhaustible resource because they are available in only limited quantities. Fossil Fuels take thousands, if not millions, of years to replenish and people are using them up too fast so they can not renew.

Why are you running out of fossil fuels?

We are running out of fossil fuels because people are driving to the same place with 2 cars rather than 1 if you 2 are friends so one of you can give each other a lift , :) lol I think

Does it take hundreds of years to form Fossil Fuels?

it takes millions of years. fossil fuels are made from organic matter from dinosaur times that have been buried an processed by the earth until today. that is why fossil fuels are running out because it takes so long to make

Are trees a fossil fuel?

No. Although trees can become fossil fuels, they are not considered fossil fuels until they are decomposed. Fossil fuels are created when organisms die and are decomposed over millions of years. They then form coal, petroleum or natural gas. These fuels are called nonrenewable resources, because they take so long to create. Trees grow relatively fast, so they are considered renewable.

What are Fossill Fuels?

Examples of fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas. Fossil fuels are nonrenewable energy sources which can be used to make electricity in a power station but it is very bad for the planet and global warming. Fossil fuels are running out slowly so we need to think of something else which is a renewable source of energy.

Why do you need other forms of energy besides fossil fuel energy?

because fossil fuels are running out so we need to find other sources to use

Is fossil fuels clean or dirty?

fossil fuels are oil and stuff like that, so they are dirty

Why is solar energy good to fossil fuels?

because solar energy is renewable (never gets used up), solar energy is energy from the sun, it will never run out....fossil fuels such as oil coal and gas are getting used up fast, they are non renewable and so it is a big using solar energy is good to fossil fuel because then the fossil fuels will not get used up.

Is there a car that runs on only fossil fuels?

Gasoline and ordinary diesel fuel are both fossil fuels, so almost all cars run only on fossil fuels.