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it gives information about the past which to scientists is important to know

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8y ago

In simplest terms, fossils show what living things were like long ago.

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Q: Why are fossils important to scientist?
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scientist who study fossils

What scientist sudies dinosaurs and fossils?

Palaeontologists study fossils and dinosaurs.

How do scientist name fossils?

with a brain.

What is a scientist who studies fossils?

A scientist who studies fossils is called a paleontologist. They analyze fossils to understand past life forms, their environments, and evolutionary history.

How are fossils important to scientist?

They tell us about past environments and may be used to date rocks on a relative time scale.

Why are fossils so important to scientist trying to discover evidence of a super continent?

Identical fossils on what are now separate continents show that at one time there were no boundaries between them. (i.e. no Atlantic Ocean).

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A palaeontologist studies fossils.

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