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Q: Why are frier's different than monks?
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A Name for monks in 1066?

In 1066, monks were commonly referred to as "brothers" or "friars." They dedicated their lives to prayer, meditation, and service to their communities within monasteries or friaries. Their role was central to religious life and education during this period.

How did the medieval times nuns have a different life than monks?

Nuns were more likely to be cloistered in their monasteries with very little contact with the outside world. As a group, monks had more freedom to live a secular kind of life if they wished.

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Do monks wear different color robes?

Yes, monks from different traditions and regions may wear robes of different colors. For example, Theravada Buddhist monks typically wear saffron-colored robes, while Tibetan Buddhist monks may wear burgundy or maroon robes. The specific color and style of robes can signify the tradition and level of ordination of the monk.

What makes the different kinds of monks different?

The beliefs they have and what rules they try to follow.

How were monks different from other members in the clergy?

These are members of the church with different duties

How did medieval monks spread Christianity?

Medieval Monks spread Christianity by many different techniques. Now, if you are talking about Medieval Monks in Europe, then they spread Christianity by telling others mostly. There is a website all about Medieval Monks below.

How are medieval monks different to missionaries?

Medieval monks were typically members of religious communities who focused on prayer, study, and manual work within monasteries, while missionaries were individuals sent by a religious group to spread their faith and convert non-believers. Monks lived a contemplative, cloistered life, while missionaries traveled extensively to share their religious beliefs with different cultures and societies.

What kind of food do Buddhist monks eat?

the same food as us but at different times and in different ways