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I'm flattered, as I'm sure many females are by your assumption that we're all not just good at washing dishes, but "so good" at it. That's icing on the cake.

The whole female population may not appreciate me sharing our secret to such clean dishes that we've held for centuries, but I feel it's worth sharing.

We're really good at it because we use three basic tools that we, females, are born with naturally; that is, patience (which we have an abundance of), a sense of cleanliness, and our limbs.

I'll break it down further in this example.

We use our limbs to collect the dishes and make our way to the sink, our sense of cleanliness to know something's not right with how filthy they are, and our limbs and patience to take the time to make them clean again.

Many men are capable of the same thing, but sometimes, they just don't want to be capable of it. And that's where the dishwasher comes it handy! (which, to reveal another secret, isn't really a machine working, but a woman inside who cleans all the dishes when you close the door to it)

And that's why women(girls) are so good at washing the dishes.

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it is better to wash dishes because you would decrease the amount of dishes there is in the environment . And you wouldn't necessary waste water because water gets cleaned also you would reuse the dishes you already have . I did this for a science fair project so please avoid using plastic plates. And try washing your dishes. That way you would decrease the amount of trash in the world.

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Moss is loke a spong, so it can suck up water. I would NOT recomend washing dishes with it, though! (I did, DONT DO IT!!) Hope this helps, God Bless you!

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First and foremost you should make sure that all of the dishes are rinsed off. Next you should run hot or warm dish water. Remember hot water sanitizes. ONCE THE HOT water is in the sink, place the dishes 5 at a time in the sink or tub. Let the dishes soak for aproximately 5 minutes. Some of the food should be off.For really greasy dishes soak for 10 to 20 minutes. Wash dishes in a circular motion until the food is completely off. Rinse in the HOT water the place on the rack. repeat this with every dish. But with cups put the towel or sponge inside of the cup then run it along the edges, rinse ,then place on the rack. Make sure that when you wash dishes you get in the corners really good ,and that my friend is how you wash dishes.