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because they grow from epithelial cells, are derivatives of epidermis, reside in dermis and are all over the body.

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Q: Why are hair nails and cutaneous glands considered to be epithelial tissue?
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Is a cutaneous membrane epithelial or connective?

The cutaneous membrane is considered an epithelial membrane. It is composed of the outer epidermis (epithelial tissue) and the deeper dermis (connective tissue).

What type of tissue are glands derived from?

all glands derive from epithelial tissue

What kind of tissue produce glands?

Epithelial, for it has a glandular subdivisions.Epithelial TissueEpithelial Tissue's main purpose is to cover surfaces, and line the cavities. This means it also works with glands, glands are groups of cells specialized to produce a substance that is sent out to other parts of the body.There are two types of glands that go with Epithelial Tissue:1) Exocrine glands: these are the ducts that carry out the secretion, such as sweat, or oil for your hair follicles.2) Endocrine Glands: This depends on the blood flowing through the duct to carry the secretions to another organ. These secretions are hormones.Thus meaning that since the Endocrine Glands go with the Epithelial tissue it means that Epithelial tissue forms hormones.

Which tissue most likely be in glands?

Epithelial tissues are in the glands.

Which tissue allows for glandular secretions?

Epithelial Tissue

The tissue that forms endocrine and exocrine glands?

Of the four types of tissues- muscular, epithelial, nervous and connective- endocrine and exocrine glands are formed from epithelial tissue.

What type of tissue is exocrine glands classified under?

epithelial tissue

Endocrine glands are derived from what type of tissue?

all glands derive from epithelial tissue

What tissue are glands composed of?

Glands are composed of epithelial tissue. These specialized cells can secrete substances such as hormones, enzymes, or sweat. Glands can be classified as exocrine glands, which secrete their products into ducts, or endocrine glands, which secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream.

What type of tissue is found in membrane and glands?

Epithelial tissues line the cavities and surfaces of structures throughout the body, and also form many glands.

What type of body tissue includes the endocrine glands?

endocrine glands are epithelial cells embedded within connective tissue.

What types of cells either form a barrier that controls passage of molecules or forms glands?

Epithelial Tissue