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In a hallway the there is no large span of ceiling that is not supported by a way and because of this the ceiling is less likely to collapse. Additionally, many hallways are windowless, and broken glass from windows and be a major hazard during a tornado.

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Q: Why are hallways good places to hide during a tornado?
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A closet can provide good shelter during a tornado.

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Good Shelter

What is one of the best places in a building to seek protection during a tornado?

The safest part of a building during a tornado is the lowest part, particularly if it is underground. You also want to put as many walls between you and the outside as possible, so rooms near the center are usually the safest. If central rooms are not an option, you still want to go to a room without windows if possible. Bathrooms and interior hallways are often a good option.

Are the school hallways a good place to have a first kiss?

No, do it in private.

What is a safe place during a tornado?

The best place to be during a tornado is a basement or cellar. If you don't have one the find an interior room or hallway without windows if possible. A bathroom also provides good shelter.

Is under the bed the safest way to hide during a tornado?

No. The safest places is in a basement or cellar. Though if there is a bed in the basement, that may be a good place to seek shelter. If you cannot get underground, yo should get to an interior room or closer without windows.

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Because during a tornado it holds up stronger than panels of wood.

Where do you need to go during a tornado?

The best place to be during a tornado is underground in a basement or cellar. If you can't get to one go to the center part of the house or building you're in on the lowest floor. A bathroom often provides good shelter. Stay away from windows

Is it true A highway overpass is a good place to hide from a tornado?

No. A highway overpass is not a safe place during a tornado at all. An overpass offers almost no protection from flying debris and can actually act as a wind tunnel, causing the wind from a tornado to speed up as it passes through.

Should you close your windows during a tornado warning?

No. If a tornado warning is issued, you should take cover as quickly as possible. Since tornadoes are usually preceded by rain, there is a good chance you will have closed your windows anyway.

Is it a good idea to open your windows during a tornado?

No. Opening windows does nothing to safe your house and can help expose the interior to damaging winds.

Where is the Best Place to be if you are in your Car During a Tornado?

A car is not a good place to be. If a tornado is coming leave the vehicle and go to a sturdy building with a basement or to a storm shelter. If you are in the open and the tornado is still distant try to drive perpendicular or diagonal to its path (depending on what the road allows) to get out of its way. If the tornado is drawing near abandon the vehicle and lie in a ditch or depression.