

Why are human abusing animals?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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Because they need to test products and such on the animals for the humans to use. Unfortunately, the process is not very pleasant. Poor animals.

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It is not killing/abusing/ or hurting animals It is not killing/abusing/ or hurting animals

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not to abuse animals.

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they will be afriad of you and you can get arrested

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Plenty. Abusing animals is harsh. Too many.

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Why is it against the law to abuse animals?

It's against the law because: IT IS WRONG. People make laws for a reason, to prevent wrongdoings, crimes and hurting others. Abusing animals is definitely immoral, unjust and wrong (Abuse of people is against the law, so why shouldn't animals be too?). It's like abusing an innocent child who can't speak out for themselves for no reason.Also, even if it wasn't against the law, it is still wrong and shouldn't be done...Non-human animals have no inherent rights. IF animals had rights: what moral obligations do they have?. That there is no moral obligation makes it abundantly obvious that non human animals have no inherent rights.Laws NEVER prevent action.

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Yeah it's about time animals take their revenge on the pathetic humans for locking them up and abusing them >:|

Do animals die by being abuse?

there are many factors why animals die. abusing animals is also one. animals also die due to their age, weather, food, accidents and predators.

What are the laws and policies against abusing animals?

Ticket, cort, or prison it just depends on how bad it is

Does alcohol have something to do with animal abuse?

Yes, It does. People can be drunk whilst mistreating their animals and abusing them.