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beasuus ignouis racz r mde frm lva

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Agnes Bogan

Lvl 13
1y ago
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Q: Why are igneous rocks the best type of of rock sample for radiometric dating?
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Which type of rocks are best for numerical dating using radiometric technique?

Igneous rocks

Which dating method enables scientists to measure or estimate the absolute age of sedimentary rock?

Radiometric dating of igneous rocks that relate to the sedimentary rock

Why are igneous rocks the best type of rock for radiometric dating?

beasuus ignouis racz r mde frm lva

Radiometric dating is least useful for dating what type of rocks?

Sedimentary Rocks

Scientists date igneous rocks to indirectly date nearby sedimentary rocks Why doesn't radiometric dating typically work on sedimentary rocks?

Sedimentary rocks contain bits of sediment, each much older than the rocks they form

How old are igneous rocks?

Igneous rocks do not have a specific age. They are formed from lava or magma cooling and solidifying, which can happen at any point in time. The age of an igneous rock can be determined through radiometric dating techniques.

Radiometric dating is done by comparing the ratio of over time?

Radiometric dating is done by comparing the ratio of parent isotopes to daughter isotopes in a sample. By measuring the decay of radioactive isotopes, scientists can determine the age of rocks and minerals. The principle behind radiometric dating is that as radioactive isotopes decay, they transform into stable daughter isotopes at a predictable rate, which can be used to calculate the age of the sample.

What types of rocks are used in radiometric dating?

From a granite, a common mineral used for radiometric dating is the biotite mica component. For this mineral is among the last to form - as it forms at the lowest temperature compared to the other components of granite.This mineral contains potassium, 40K, which may be dated by the Potassium-Argon method. By radioactive decay, a small portion of the 40K decays to Argon. (The remainder of the potassium decays to a Calcium.)This Ar component is held in the mineral crystal, and by measuring the quantities of K and Ar, the age of the biotite is determined. [to an accuracy of about 1%.] For none of the Ar would be entrained in the previous molten state.All the K in your body is also susceptible to this decay!

What does radiometric dating tell geologist about some rocks and minerals?

their ages

Can use radiometric dating on all minerals to tell their absolute age?

No, radiometric dating can only be used on certain minerals that contain radioactive isotopes. These minerals include zircon, potassium feldspar, and biotite, among others. Not all minerals contain radioactive isotopes, so radiometric dating cannot be applied to all minerals.

How do you determine the age of igneous rocks?

Relative age can be determined using superposition and cross-cutting relationships. Absolute age can only be determined using radiometric dating methods, such as Rb-Sr.