

Why are insects are disgusting?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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because when a grown locust and a grown woman love each other very much he lives inside her vagina and daddy cant get that i have helped i must go back to my home planet...EXCELIZIOR

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14y ago

Because of the legs, shape, size, and head are unusual to the human body and mostly make people feel crawling in their skin because of the creep.

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Why do people think insects are gross?

Not everyone thinks insects are disgusting to eat. In 80% of the world's nations, humans are known to eat insects. It is a part of many cultures. In other areas and cultures, eating insects is considered to be taboo or is not very common.The reasons some think insects are disgusting to eat include the fact that they may not like the texture of insects which may be crunchy or chewy. Another reason may be the taste. Since insects are sometimes eaten when they are still alive, that may cause some to think eating insects is disgusting. Some of the reasons for not eating insects may be based on religious beliefs. There is also a concern about the pesticides and other toxins the insects may have been exposed to.

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the risks of eating raw and wild insects is simple 1. there are pesticides and you can get sick or possibly die. 2. raw insects on disgusting on the ick factor because light colored insects can cause nausea or vomiting

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Most are already edible, just disgusting to eat. If you mean make them taste good, that's relative,.

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yes, kinda, because apples can rot, and basically all insects are attracted to rotting things, so when the rotting apples either stay on or fall off of the tree, it usually leaves that disgusting pile of bug/fly/(insects) that you see when you go apple picking.

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because I do disgusting things and act disgusting, I am a human being which is mostly a disgusting species.

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Probably they do,i saw a lizard eat a big cockroach,i tried to go near it but the lizard ran away with it sipping a lot of green blood! Disgusting.

What are 2 reasons that people don't like insects?

1. They don't like the fact they have 6 legs and it makes them seem disgusting (not to me) 2. They are small and can crawl everywhere without you noticing

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110% disgusting :)

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