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Jeans is a corruption of Genes (French for Genoa) where the style evolved among peasants. They were made of denim ( a cloth " de Nimes) in France too.

or was it John Wayne after all?

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Q: Why are jeans called jeans but made of denim?
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What are all jeans made of?

Jeans are made from a cotton material called denim.

What 3 products are made from denim?

jeans, denim jacket and some bags can be made out of denim xx

When was denim jeans made?

it was made in 1845

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What are jeans made up of?


Are all jeans made of denim If not what else are they made of?

Not all have denim. They are a blend of denim, cotton, polyester, and elastic.

What were skinny jeans made out of?

They are made out of the same fabric regular jeans are made of. Denim

What is the difference between jeans and denim?

Jeans are an item of clothing normally made from denim, which is a type of hardwearing fabric.

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They're made of DENIM.

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