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When you play a sport there is usually lots of running, kicking, and or jumping involved.

This may be hard on your knees sometimes.

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Q: Why are knee injuries fairly common among athletes?
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Injuries among elite, as well as amateur athletes are common. And it is not uncommon for teenagers to have permanent injuries that will last a lifetime. High jumps or pole vaulting onto a hard surface would almost certainly lead to sprained joints, broken bones, joint displacements, or even head injuries. Also note, when high jumping, or pole vaulting, more elevation can be attained by jumping in a manner that causes a person not to land on their feet but rather landing on their side or back.

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Many early flights terminated in a crash so they put an end to it , smartgirl62 age 10

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Have you ever had a knee injury because of running?

I, personally, have am not a runner. But according to my research, knee injuries are very common among runners. There are many things you can do to prevent knee injuries while running, such as wearing a knee brace during your run and stretching before and after.

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The most common medical conditions affecting the aging are coronary heart disease, stroke, cancer, and the flu. Accidents resulting in injuries such as hip fractures are also common among the elderly.

How do the rates of injuries among women compare to those of men?

A lot!