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Some do and some do not. Lichens are often used as pollution indicators because as pollution increases, more species die until there are only one or two species left.

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12y ago

They Feed Off Of Air,Light,And Minerals So When The Air Is Polluted its Like Eating Smoke

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Q: Why are lichens easily affected by pollution?
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What are Lichens adversely affected by?


How do lichens change their environment so other organisms can live there?

Lichens absorb water and minerals from the air. As a result, they are easily affected by pollution. Thus the presence of lichens are a good source of air quality for other organisms

When do lichens grow?

Lichens need sunlight, water, nutrients from the air including dust and some nutrients from the substrate they grow on they are sensitive to sulfur dioxide there are fluffy lichens, crusty lichens, scaly lichens, leafy lichens etc

What is the ecological use of lichens?

Lichens are air pollution indicators.

Which algae is pollution indicator?

Lichens are known as pollution indicator.

What do you use lichens for?

Because of damp areas where they are spawned

What is the use of lichen?

Lichens are air pollution indicators.

Which of the following work as bioindicator of environmental pollution?


Lichens can be used to estimate levels of pollution from?

Sulfur dioxide

How lichens indicate pollution?

lichens are sensitive to sulfur dioxide, they are biological indicators. The cleaner the air the more lichens will grow. Therefore if there are houses right by a road, if you look on the roof there would be less lichens as there would be more sulfur dioxide in the air because of pollution. Hope this helps By Troy Flynn

Could air pollution be responsible for the absence of certain lichens in national parks?

yes they can

Indicator made from lichens?

The indicator is litmus paper. :)