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Cause a map is flat, and the Earth is curved. Can't force a curved image onto a flat surface w/o losing something.

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Kathleen Cruickshank

Lvl 13
1y ago
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14y ago

Maps are distorted because you can't project a 3-D thing onto a flat thing (paper) likewise you can't show a Hypercube (fantasy 4-D shape) as a 3-D projection. And can you see a fourth Dimension hanging around anywhere? anyway. The best way to show why maps are distorted is follow these steps exactly.

(1) Get an Orange, and nothing else.

(2) Peel away the skin gently so it in one piece.

(3) flatten it out carefully on a hard surface, like a table.

(4) It explains itself really.

(5) You may eat the Orange, if you want to.

Thanks for reading

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Q: Why are maps distorted?
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What do all flat maps have in common?

they are all distorted. distorted- misrepresented, garbled. ---- ur welcome! ; )

What are the 4 ways in which maps can be distorted?

A map can be distorted by shapes, sizes, lines of latitude and longitude and politics,

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Reference maps and Thematic maps are the broad categories of maps

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Earth is three-dimensional, but maps are two-dimensional.

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A Globe. It can be an exact scale model of the earth!

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I think it is distorted in land mass and shape

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A map can be distorted by shapes, sizes, lines of latitude and longitude.

Is australia the biggest island?

Maybe. It can be Madagascar or Greenland. Some maps can be distorted, so don't be fooled.

Why are global grid properties apt to be distorted on maps?

B/c maps are flat, andthe Earth is round. You can't make a perfect image of a round object on a flat surface.

Would a map or a globe be helpful for studying the exact shapes of continents?

A globe would be more helpful as maps depict distorted images.

What are some problems with cartogram maps?

Some problems with cartogram maps include distortion of shapes and sizes of regions, difficulty in accurately representing geographical features, and potential confusion for viewers unfamiliar with the concept of distorted maps. Additionally, cartogram maps can sometimes oversimplify complex spatial relationships and may not always be appropriate for detailed analysis or comparison.