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Men are not just 'likely' to be colour blind, they are the 'only ones' who can suffer from colour blindness. This is because colour blindness is cused by an x-linked recessive gene, that is it can occur only if a person carries 2 of these x-linked recessive traits.

Now, females have one X and one Y chromosome,so in no way, they can have 2 X chromosomes.(exception-Klinefelter's syndrome, where thery is XXY trisomy)

Only men can have 2 X-chromosomes. Hence, females can only carry the colour blindness gene, while men can 'suffer' from colour blindness.

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Q: Why are men most likely to be color blind than women?
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Only about 10% of Americans are colorblind, most of which are male.

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Yes, they can go blind.

Can only men be colour blind?

More men are color blind than women because the recessive gene for color blindness is carried by women on one of their X chromosomes. And since they have two X chromosomes, the recessive trait is less likely to be expressed. Since men have an X and a Y chromosome, which is shorter, if a mother passes on her X chromosome with the trait of color blindness, her son will have no corresponding gene on his Y chromosome from keeping it from being expressed. So men are color blind more often than women.

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Bears, like most mammals, have some color vision. There is some indication that they can see reds, which many mammals cannot see, and if this is true, then their color vision is similar to that of a human being. There is a source like below.

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Most color blind people function just fine.

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Its hard enough for most people but for color blind people, a rubix cube would br pretty hard.

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Poo color because women suck