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They are present everywhere on earth. The top layer of soil is no exception.

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16h ago

Microorganisms are found in the upper layers of soil because this zone provides optimal conditions for their growth and survival, including access to organic matter for nutrients, moisture, and oxygen. These microorganisms play crucial roles in breaking down organic matter, recycling nutrients, and maintaining soil health and fertility.

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Q: Why are microorganisms present in the upper layers of the soil?
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soils have different layers present in it as the depth increases. These layers are called horizons. Humus as we all know is present in the top layer of the soil,which is several inches in thickness and is called A horizon.

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soil layers are called horizons

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The horizon is the vertical sequence of the layers of soil.

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A vertical sequence of distinct soil layers is a soil profile!

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Horizontal layers of soil or rock are called 'strata'

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The layers of soil that were naturally deposited are called, 'Horizons'.