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First, your gums are painfully injected with a near-poisonous fluid. It numbs the teeth. They are then extracted through the root canal where they had laid

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Q: Why are molars removed?
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If molars are not completely out can they still be removed?


I have sore gums over wisdom teeth area teeth that were removed 10 years ago. What could cause that?

you probably have impacted molars you probably have impacted molars

How many molars do people have?

If you are an adult and still have your wisdom teeth, the you have 12 molars. If your wisdom teeth have been removed, you have 8 molars, unless on or more of them have been removed in the corse of your life.

Would it be wise to replace second molars that need root canales with third molars that are not in yet 15 year old?

Generally on the upper jaw, third molars will fall into place nicely if second molars are removed, so it can be a good cost effective orthodontic management technique. On the lower jaw, I would not recommend it.

Can braces move molars forward to where one was removed?

They can move any teeth to any place so yea

How many times do you change the gauze when you get a molar pulled how often and how long?

just had my molars removed how often do i change the gauze an for how long

Do your molars grow back?

Adult molars do not grow back. Infant molars are replaced by adult molars, so in a sense, infant molars do grow back.

What kind of human teeth are best for grinding food?

the large flat molars in the back of your mouth

What are examples of animals that has molars?

Elephants are animals which have molars

Does it hurt when getting molars remove?

There is a risk of pain when getting molars removed. The amount of pain felt depends on the tolerance of the person. The dentist will give medication to ease pain during the removing of the molar. Generally a prescription is given to help with pain management during healing.

What tooth is designed for grinding while chewing?

The molars The molars

Is the goat has flat molars?

yes goats and sheep have flat molars.