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Q: Why are molecules in the gas affected by changes in pressure?
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this is true, and one way these molecules are affected is by changes in temperature. these molecules are also affected by pressure. you can literally press water back into ice; the same way you can lower the temperature until it freezes. oh and the space in between these molecules plays a big role as well.

What causes the pressure inside oxygen tanks to change as they are filled?

The number of gas molecules changes.the number of gas molecules changes

Why is there no gas pressure inside a vacuum?

Gas pressure is caused by the molecules of gas striking the walls of a container, or in the case of Earth's atmosphere, the molecules of air hitting the earth. In a vacuum, there are no gas molecules. No molecules, no pressure.

What cause the pressure by gas molecules on their container?

What causes the pressure exerted by gas molecules on their container? idk

What is Pressure by gas?

The ideal gas law could be written to say the P = nRt/v. So gas pressure, P, is affected by n, the number of gas molecules; t, temperature; and v, volume. "R" is a natural constant.

What affect the pressure of a gas?

The ideal gas law could be written to say the P = nRt/v. So gas pressure, P, is affected by n, the number of gas molecules; t, temperature; and v, volume. "R" is a natural constant.

If you know the total number of moles of gas on each side of an equation you can determine?

How equilibrium will be affected by changes in pressure or volume.

Why does the pressure changes with altitude changes?

Gas pressure changes with altitude because the air around the earth is also a gaseous mixture composed of molecules of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, argon, and some others, which have atomic weight (even if it is small). If your gas is at sea level, there is a whole atmoshere of air pushing down on your gas. When you are at a higher altitude there are less molecules pushing down on the gas so the gas can push out from its high concentration with more force.

What are the changes when you go through the atmosphere?

Although there are many gas molecules that surround you on Earth,there are fewer and fewer gas molecules in the air as you move away from Earth's surface. so, as altitude increases, air pressure decreases.

Does high pressure have high density?

If you are referring to a high pressure gas, then yes. The higher the pressure, the higher the density of the gas because the molecules pack closer together. The density of liquids can also be affected by pressure but to much less of an extent. For most purposes, liquids such as water are considered incompressible.

What causes pressure?

The weight of the air The distance between particles of a gas determines the pressure. The distance can be decreased and the pressure therefore increased by either increasing the amount of particles of gas in the container, or by reducing the size of the container.

What is the relationship between the temperature and the pressure of gas?

If the temperature is low, then the molecules of the gas have less kinetic energy and thus it has low pressure. If the temperature is higher, then the molecules have more energy and thus the gas has higher pressure