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Q: Why are morning glorys called that?
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Does morning glory have a trunk?

No, morning glorys do not have trunks, they are a vine that grow on things.

Do morning glorys have flowers?

Morning Glory refers to the species of over 1,000 flowers in the family Convolvulaceae.

Why would you have lush leaves and no flowers on Morning Glory vines?

Morning glories need the 'morning' sun to bloom. They grow really fast in wet soil. The blooms will open in direct sunlight from about 8am and close up around 1-2pm...and then reopen the next morning

How do you make synthetic LSD?

If nutmeg is takein in an amount of 2 tablespoons into a milkshake 5hours after u have psychodelic effects or grow morning glorys

How do Morning Glorys make their food?

Morning Glory's to most people are pests in their garden. The rate of growth and spread, can overtake most other plants in a matter of years if not controlled. Morning Glory's get their food from the nutrients in the soil and from decaying plant material that they have overtaken.

How does a morning glory reproduce?

Morning glory reproduces by seeds that appear in little fruits that mature and dry out after the flower dies. Morning glory also can be reproduced by rooting a cutting that has no flowers, buds, or seed pods on it, although this is a much less common way to propagate it, if that's what you're looking for

Do lily seedlings grow like vines?

This related question 'i got some seeds from my brother and he said they were a mix of day and tiger lilys but they are growing as vines and look much like morning glory vines but no flowers yet. he got them from his plants and has no morning glorys. i have not been able to find pictures of lily seedlings that match them.

Where did all time low get there name from?

they got it off lyrics of new found glorys head on collision

Can other people charge their glorys are your geyser titan in runescape?

No, only the owner of the titan may use it to recharge their Glories.

Who was called the Morning Star of Independence?

The person who was called the Morning Star of Independence is Francisco de Miranda

Who is called the morning star of English poetry?

Geoffrey Chaucer is called the morning star of English poetry.

What is the Morning service called in Hebrew?

morning light = "or bokehr" (אור בוקר)