

Why are most people jerks?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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10y ago

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Because people want jerks to people for no reason because they are mean,rude and have no lives!

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Q: Why are most people jerks?
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How do you become a jerk?

You will know you are a jerk if people call you that a lot...and also if, deep inside, you know you are. Jerks: Are mean Jerks: Don't care about anyone but themselves Jerks: Dump people after they got what they want Jerks: Don't care about others feelings... Jerks: Hit people Jerks: Steal Jerks: Are jerks :) If people are constantly canceling things they're supposed to do with you, or your best friends stop wanting to hang out with you.

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sometimes people are friends with jerks because they need someone to be around and something to do.

Why are there jerks here?

There are jerks on every site. Most of them find it amusing to be jerks. That will work fine until they grow up and find that no one wants to be around a jerk except other jerks. That is their reward.

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jerks or stupid people

Are all people jerks at on point in time?


Do you hate the fact that people are jerks?

Hate will get you nowhere. I recognize the fact that some people are jerks, but I also recognize that I can do little about it, so I just ignore them and go on with my life.

Would you call people who give random unhelpful answers in this site jerks?

Your question is interesting since there isn't really a good answer. It wouldn't be nice to call those people jerks, since most of the time are answering to the best of their ability, but it depends. You can call them jerks all you want, but it's not really fair unless they openly show that they aren't giving a good answer and they know it.

Why is your dad such a?

Answer 4: Even jerks can grow up and have kids. Answer 3: Most jerks are jerks just some of the time. It is hard to be a jerk all of the time. Try to catch him in a nonjerk interval. Answer 2: Some jerks are jerks only in response to jerk-provoking behavior. Try not to do that. Answer 1: Jerkiness is in the eye of the beholder.

Why do people tee pee other people in the fall?

Because they're jerks.

Why are your parents such?

Sophash - Most likely, they are not jerks. If you are a teenager, most everyone thinks so. If you think they are jerks, think about what they do to be jerks. If you can make a list of 10 things that your parents do that are truly bad, then they might be jerks. If your parents would have punished you for absoulutley no reason, then they probably are jerks. NOTE: these kinds of things can NOT be on your list1. My parents grounded me - they probably grounded you because you were doing something against their perfectly normal rulesPutting things like that on your list shows that your parents are not jerks. Parents have to ground you to teach you a lesson.

How do you get a boyfriend when all the guys are jerks?

With difficulty at the least ! If all guys are jerks then why would you bother trying ? If that is what you think of guys then there is no chance for you ! You may need to reevaluate what you mean before this can be answered. positively, but I can tell you, you have it wrong ! Not all guys are jerks, in fact most guys are not jerks.

What makes dads such jerks?

they are jerks becuase their moms are jerks and their dads are jerks so he learned from them and is about to get a punch from me.