

Why are no chloroplasts fond in the onion cells?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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Onions are underground structures. They do not get sunlight.

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Q: Why are no chloroplasts fond in the onion cells?
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No chloroplasts in cheek and onion cells

Where are the chloroplasts in the onion cells?

There are no chloroplasts in bulb.Thats because they do not get sunlight.

Why do onion cells do not have chloroplast?

Onion cells do not have chloroplasts because the onion is underground where there is no light. Without light chloroplasts have no purpose, so onion cells just don't have them.

Do onions have chloroplasts in their cells?

The bulb of the onion does not but the leaves of the onion plant do.

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No, Onion cells does not contain chloroplast

Why the chloroplasts is not present in the onion cell?

You can't see chloroplasts in an onion skin cell since the onion was underground. When the onion is underground, the sun can't reach the onion so the onion skin cells can't make glucose. The onion does have chloroplasts in its cells at the top of the onion. That's where he sunlight can reach the onion.

What cell has chloroplasts onion cell or elodea cell?

Both. Both cells are plant cells and plant cells have chloroplasts. (Elodea is the waterweeds)

Do the onion scale leaf cells contain chloroplast?

No. Because an onion develops in the ground, and chloroplasts develop in the sunlight. Therefore no chloroplasts form.

Do the cells of the onion bulb possess chloroplasts?

Onions are the root bulbs of onion plants. The plant itself contains chloroplasts, which cause the green colour, whereas the onion bulb itself contains other pigments and few, if any, chloroplasts.

Why are chloroplasts absent in onion epidermal cells and potato tubular cells?

Onion bulb is not photosynthetic.So chloroplasts are absent.

Onion cells and elodea cells structure differences?

An ELODEA cell is a PLANT cell. A HUMAN EPIDERMAIL cell is an ANIMAL cell. if you know that plant cells and animal cells have different organelles, then you should be good to go.

What 2 plant cells don't have chloroplasts?

onion cells dont contain chloroplasts as they are underground so cant photosynthesise