

Why are objects streamlined?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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11y ago

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to enable them have free movement in their surrounding environment

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Q: Why are objects streamlined?
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Why objects in space do not need streamlined shape?

Because there are no frictional forces.

What are different streamlined objects?

There are many different streamlines object. The streamlined object is the object that air hits it least. Any object that is pointy or Begin with small part to a big part this is streamlined object.

What objects are streamlined to reduce friction by air resistance?

like deflectors on lorries

Name a list of objects which are streamlined for movement through water?

torpedo bullet arrow car motorbike

How does being streamlined help with water resistance?

Being streamlined reduces friction and water resistance because it reduces the surface area in front this allows objects to move quickly through air or water.

Which Objects reduce turbulent flow over water and air?

To reduce turbulent the key is to have streamlined shape of an object.

Which objects are not streamlined?

A list of streamlined animals-SnakesAnimals that live undergroundMost aquatic animalsTreefrogsBirds

What is stremlined body?

The shape of many objects moving through air or water is designed in such a way(with pointed ends) that friction can be reduced between the objects and water or air(fluid).The shape of the body is called streamlined body. Most fish are cold-blooded animals that have a streamlined body that is adapted for efficient movement in water. There are exceptions to both of these rules though.

What does streamlined mean about stingrays?

whats a streamlined?

What is the difference between streamlined and non streamlined things?

The objects moving through fluids r, often so designed (more pointed towards front) that air flows smoothly over their surfaces, that is, every air particle passes a particular point wid d same speed nd in d same direction. dis is called streamline flow, nd dese special shaped bodies r called streamlined body.

What is another word for streamlined in water?


Why is penguin streamlined?

penguin is streamlined to swim in cold waters